Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Quilting with the letter 'A'

More than quilting I love teaching others about quilting. I used to teach a few quilting classes in Phoenix but since it's difficult to do that over the internet I am going to dedicate the next 26ish blogs posts to the ABC's of Quilting.

A is for.....Applique

Applique is a quilting technique in which one piece of fabric is sewn onto a larger fabric surface. The attachment is usually done by hand sewing the smaller piece on but there are many different techniques (for many different skill levels).

How to:
1. Decide on the shape you want to applique onto a larger piece
2. Trace the shape onto your choice of fabric
3. Cut out the shape BUT cut about1/4in outside the line you drew (will be used to create a flap)
4. Fold over the 1/4in flap and iron (this is creating a folded edge so that you do not have exposed raw edges)
5. Sew the applique piece onto your larger fabric surface

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